Welcome & Program Overview | Nick Reynolds, MD, FRCP, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England
Human Equivalent Models | Bethany Perez White, MS, PhD, Chicago, IL
Genetic variation in Human models | Sara Brown, MD, FRCPE, Dundee, Scotland
Environmental Exposures and Allergens | Jacob P. Thyssen, MD, PhD, DmSci, Copenhagen, Denmark
Human Models in vivo | Kilian Eyerich, MD, PhD, Munich, Germany
Computational Models of Atopic Dermatitis | Reiko Tanaka, PhD, London, England
Panel Discussion | Moderator: Nick Reynolds, MD, FRCP
The International Eczema Council is happy to announce its new three-year Strategic Plan. This in-depth process involved IEC leadership, Councilors, Associates and Industry Partners as we sought input through surveys and other methods.
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