Corporate MembershipOUR CORPORATE SUPPORTERSWe thank the following corporate supporters for their valuable financial commitments as we start 2025. We urge others to join with us now, as we build momentum and ramp up our efforts and capabilities. At this critical time in history, we can enable significant and life-changing advancements in AD research and education. Together, we can vastly improve the quality of life for AD patients around the world. President’s CouncilThe President’s Council is the IEC’s highest tier of participation and recognition. These companies contribute $200,000 or more annually to advance AD research and education in support of the IEC’s mission. Executive CouncilExecutive Council participants contribute $100,000-199,000 annually in unrestricted funding. Thanks to the following companies on the Executive Council: Director’s CouncilDirector’s Council participants contribute $50,000-99,999 annually in unrestricted funding. Thanks to the following companies on the Director’s Council:
Councilor’s CouncilCouncilor’s Council participants contribute $25,000-$49,999 annually in unrestricted funding. Thanks to the following Councilor’s Council:
Corporate SupportIn collaboration with our corporate sponsors, we are raising the level of awareness, attention and education about atopic dermatitis/eczema (AD). We have entered a new era, with AD now being more broadly recognized as a life-altering inflammatory skin condition with numerous co-morbidities and requiring chronic, multidisciplinary care. It is an exciting and, we anticipate, historic time to come together internationally and across all communities – patient, medical, and payor – to advance our shared goals. BECOME A CORPORATE SPONSORJoin us in shaping the future for atopic dermatitis! The IEC is deeply committed to AD research and education, and is seeking collaborators who share our vision of one unified voice across the patient, payor, and medical communities. Corporate sponsors contribute unrestricted funds to support the IEC’s overall mission and goals, and can be part of our team in brainstorming about priorities towards advancement. Donated funds are used to organize, plan, market and run the IEC and the professional meetings of the IEC. In addition, working groups are collaborating on AD-related definitions, setting new international standards, and developing publications as tangible outcomes of our meetings. CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP ENABLES COMPANIES TO:
Corporate Sponsorship Levels and BenefitsPRESIDENT’S COUNCIL ($200,000 OR MORE ANNUALLY)Your President’s Council participation enables:
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ($100,000-$199,999 PER YEAR)Your Executive Council participation enables:
DIRECTOR’S COUNCIL ($50,000-$99,999 PER YEAR)Your Director’s Council participation enables:
COUNCILOR’S COUNCIL ($25,000-$49,999 PER YEAR)Your Councilor’s Council participation enables:
Educational GrantsIn addition to unrestricted grants provided by corporate sponsors, we also collaborate with industry supporters who provide Educational Grants on specific programming and educational events. If your organization has a particular interest that you’d like to discuss, please contact Alan Stiles, Chief Executive Officer, to set up an exploratory meeting with IEC leadership. Additional OpportunitiesIn addition to unrestricted grants, we also collaborate with industry supporters on specific programming and educational events. If your organization has a particular interest that you’d like to discuss, please contact Alan Stiles, Chief Executive Officer at [email protected], to set up an exploratory meeting with IEC leadership. BECOME A CORPORATE SPONSORCall Alan Stiles, Chief Executive Officer at: (703) 963-2704You may also email Alan Stiles at [email protected]